
The Surrey UCU Branch

Once a year Surrey UCU holds an AGM, which is open to all members to attend. At the AGM the local committee is elected. Any member of Surrey UCU who wants to stand for election to the committee is able to. All members are eligible to vote for the committee.

If you are interested in standing for the local committee get in touch with one of the existing committee officers or faculty representatives. Elections (and the AGM) usually take place near the end of the academic year. If it is a long way until the next AGM, get in touch anyway as there are some circumstances under which the committee may be able to co-opt additional members.

Branch meetings are meetings to which the whole branch (all members of Surrey UCU) are invited. These meetings often focus on specific issues. For example, the pensions dispute, upcoming strike action, or local redundancies. They may be primarily about disseminating information (and for this purpose will involve an invited speaker), or may be called in order to find out what branch members think about an issue. Other branch meetings are more general.

Committee meetings are attended by the local committee, and sometimes regional officers. Other people may be invited to attend. These meetings are more frequent and deal with any ongoing day-to-day issues. They are also used to plan for branch meetings.

Branch committee members

(from November 2023)

President: Vacant

Secretary: Vacant

Casework Coordinator: Vacant

Treasurer: Vacant

Health and safety: Vacant

Equality and Diversity Rep: Vacant

Committee Member:  Rosalind Malcolm: r.malcolm@surrey.ac.uk

Committee Member:  Barbara Steel: b.steel@surrey.ac.uk

Committee Member: Alison Cottell:  a.cottell@surrey.ac.uk

Committee Member: Chris France:  c.france@surrey.ac.uk

Committee Member: Tim Brown: t.brown@surrey.ac.uk

Committee Member: Ilknur Aktan: i.aktan@surrey.ac.uk

Committee Member: Morro Touray: m.touray@surrey.ac.uk

Committee Member: Marco Sacchi: m.sacchi@surrey.ac.uk

Anti-Casualisation Officer Rep: Vacant

Press and Publicity: Vacant

Teaching Fellow Rep:  Ilknur Aktan: i.aktan@surrey.ac.uk

Pensions Rep: Vacant

Postgraduate Rep:  Vacant

Membership:  Vacant

Central Services rep:  Vacant

Joint Negotiating Committee

The Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) meets on a quarterly basis.  In addition, if matters arise in between formal meetings then ad hoc negotiating meetings are set up.  The JNC comprises representatives from the three main unions present on campus: UCU, UNISON and UNITE. The management side comprises a ‘range of specialisms designed to balance representation across staff groups and to provide a good understanding on different University issues’.  The union side meets beforehand to identify our agenda items and management similarly presents its list of items.

Casework and Representation

Please find a Casework Report here for those seeking more information:  Surrey UCU Casework Information

If you feel that you are in need of UCU advice or UCU representation, please contact our UCU Branch Administrator: cmaxfield@ucu.org.uk


Please contact our UCU Branch Administrator:

TU Office 38 AZ 04, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH
Office Hours:  Friday 10:00 to 17:00
Tel: 01483 68 2323

Connect with Surrey UCU on facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Surrey-UCU-1535780566491982/

Twitter: @ucusurrey